Maylee Todd on the making of Maloo: “This is like my anxiety record”

Canadian artist and producer Maylee Todd recently sat down to chat on all things Maloo on the latest episode of My Forever Studio, brought to you in partnership with EVO by Audient, and reflected on how the record came to be.

Although she was full of a spritely energy and infectious chuckles on the 50th episode, Todd revealed how Maloo came about due to some challenging events in her personal life.

Reflecting on where the album name and the character of Maloo came from she said, “Many years ago, maybe 2015, I used to take care of these groups of children [that] had something called the ‘oo’ language so they called me Maloo and that’s where my nickname came from. Then I had these side projects, I always have a side project when it comes to music or anything artistic… I like to create my own little dark project that no one knows about. It’s just for me I get to hold it closely so I’m not creating with the expectation that someones going to listen and judge me.”

She continued, “So I had this side jammer, I was performing some of these songs a while back once I was getting comfortable that I could bring them into the world… it weirdly all kind of came together.” Todd admitted that the after-effects of the pandemic were a hurdle for her to get over, especially after the loss of a loved one. She candidly revealed, “This is like my anxiety record, we all had mad anxiety and lost a part of our joy in a pandemic… It’s tough for me to shake it off and I had to write about it.”

She concluded, “A lot of the tunes, they’re all [on] mental health. I lost someone over the pandemic to suicide also, like a family member, so I was just writing about those experiences, about potentially what they were going through.”

You can listen to the full episode here.

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